本文提供2012-2020年Dse english past paper英國語文試題及答案下載,每屆試卷包括paper 1、paper 2、paper 3、paper 4試題及答案。英國語文歷屆試題及試卷答案題解免費下載,最新2019屆英國語文試卷已提供下載。
To assess candidates’ achievement with respect to the broad learning outcomes stated in Chapter 2 of the Curriculum and Assessment Guide, such as the following:
To assess the ability of candidates to:
• understand and interpret the purpose and meaning of a broad range of texts
• identify the main theme and key details of a broad range of texts
• identify the contextual meaning of words and phrases
• interpret the tone and mood of a writer
• distinguish and evaluate views, attitudes or arguments in fairly complex texts
• understand the use of a range of language features in fairly complex texts
• interpret, analyse, select and organise ideas and information from various sources
To assess the ability of candidates to:
• write texts for different contexts, audiences and purposes with relevant content and adequate supporting details
• convey meaning using varied vocabulary, linguistic devices and language patterns appropriately and accurately
• plan and produce coherent and structured texts with ideas effectively presented and developed
• write texts using appropriate tone, style and register and the salient features of different genres
• draft and revise written texts
To assess the ability of candidates to:
• understand and interpret the purpose and meaning of a range of spoken texts
• identify the key details of a range of spoken texts
• interpret speakers’ feelings, views, attitudes and intentions 2022-HKDSE-ENG LANG
• understand speakers with a range of accents and language varieties in speech delivered at a moderate pace
• understand the use of a range of language features in fairly complex spoken texts
To assess the ability of candidates to:
• express information and ideas (e.g. personal experiences, feelings, opinions, imaginative ideas and evaluative remarks) with suitable elaboration
• convey meaning using a range of vocabulary and language patterns appropriate to the context, purpose and audience
• establish and maintain relationships/spoken exchanges using formulaic expressions and appropriate communication strategies (e.g. making an appropriate opening and closing, negotiating meaning, making suggestions, using appropriate degrees of formality)
• produce coherent and structured speeches with ideas effectively/clearly presented and developed
• pronounce words clearly and accurately
• use appropriate pace, volume, intonation, stress, eye contact and gesture to support effective communication
The assessment will consist of a public examination component and a school-based assessment component as outlined in the following table.
(1)Paper 1 Reading (1½ hours) (20%)
There are two parts in this paper, each worth 10% of the subject mark. All candidates must do Part A and then choose either Part B1, the easier section, or Part B2, the more difficult section. Candidates attempting Parts A and B2 will be able to attain the full range of possible levels, while Level 4 will be the highest level attainable by candidates attempting Parts A and B1.
Candidates will be required to respond to a variety of written texts of different lengths and levels of difficulty. A range of question types will be used, including multiple-choice items, short responses and more extended, open-ended responses.
(2)Paper 2 Writing (2 hours) (25%)
There will be two parts in this paper.
Part A (10%) The task in this part will be a short, guided one (about 200 words). Candidates will be provided with the situation and the purpose for writing, as well as some relevant information.
Part B (15%) The task in this part will be longer and more open-ended (about 400 words). Candidates can choose one out of eight questions, each based on one of the eight modules in the Elective Part of the curriculum.
(3)Paper 3 Listening and Integrated Skills (about 2 hours) (30%)
There are two parts in this paper, each worth 15% of the subject mark. All candidates must do Part A and then choose either Part B1, the easier section, or Part B2, the more difficult section. Candidates attempting Parts A and B2 will be able to attain the full range of possible levels, while Level 4 will be the highest level attainable by candidates attempting Parts A and B1.
Part A, the compulsory section, will consist of a variety of listening tasks.
Parts B1 and B2 will comprise integrated listening/reading and writing tasks of different levels of difficulty based on the same theme. Candidates will be required to process information by selecting and combining data from spoken / written sources in order to complete various listening / writing tasks in a practical work or study situation.All the information necessary to complete these tasks will be provided. At least one of the writing tasks will require candidates to produce an extended piece of writing (100 – 200 words).
(4)Paper 4 Speaking (10%)
Part A Group Interaction (preparation: 10 minutes; discussion: 8 minutes per group of four candidates)
Four candidates will be grouped together and will take part in a group discussion based on a given short text. These texts may include advertisements, book synopses, film reviews, letters, short news reports and so on. Candidates may be required to make suggestions, give advice, make and explain a choice, argue for and/or against a position, or discuss the pros and cons of a proposal.
Candidates will be given ten minutes for preparation and will be allowed to make notes. During the discussion they may refer to their notes.
Part B Individual Response (one minute per candidate) Each candidate will respond individually to an examiner’s question(s), which will be based on the group discussion task. Candidates may be required to make and justify a choice, decide on and explain a course of action, argue for or against a position, and so on.
3、Dse 英國語文 - 常見問題
+ Will marks be deducted for spelling and grammatical mistakes in open-ended questions?
For questions where the candidate is expected to provide an answer which is made up of one or more sentences, the candidate will be awarded the points allocated if the answer is appropriate and if s/he has communicated his/her ideas clearly enough to be understood.
+ How many reading texts will be included in the reading passages booklet?
The number of reading passages in Paper 1 may vary from year to year.
+ Will candidates be penalized for not using a pencil?
Candidates will not be penalized for using writing instruments other than a pencil. HB pencils are advised for papers which require blackening circles as they provide the best mode for capturing answers by the machine reader.
+ Will the same marking scheme be used for the short and long task?
The marking guidelines provided in the Information Booklet will form the basis of the marking guidelines for both tasks in Paper 2. However, the marking guidelines may be adapted depending on the requirements of the task and may also be supplemented for additional guidance for markers.
+ Do candidates need to strictly adhere to the word limit?
The word guide is designed in order to provide information to candidates regarding the requirements of the task, how best to organise their writing as well as giving them guidance as to how much time they should spend on each task.
Candidates who write significantly less than the suggested number of words will inevitably fall short of fulfilling the task requirements and are unlikely to display a range of language at their disposal. Candidates who write significantly more than the suggested number of words may not have time to complete both tasks satisfactorily or spend time in planning their writing or in proofreading what they have written.
+ If a candidate scores 15 out of 21, will they get a level four?
There is a common misunderstanding that the scores given by the markers is directly transferred to the final grade the candidate is given for that paper. However, this confuses marking and grading and it is important to make a distinction between the two processes.
In terms of marking, two markers are asked to provide a score out of 21 for each part (i.e. Parts A and B) for each candidate based on the marking guidelines. Each candidate is therefore given four different scores out of 21 by four different markers. These four scores are combined, taking into consideration the relative weighting of each task, to give a total score for the paper.
The grading process then follows. Experts are asked to look at a variety of candidates' scripts at the same time as considering the relative difficulty of this year's paper to decide on the cut scores for each level i.e. what the minimum score for the paper is needed for a candidate to achieve a certain level. The cut scores may vary from year to year.
2020 dse english past paper(▲ 返回導航)
2020 dse english past paper question&answer download,本部分提供2019 dse english paper 1、paper 2、paper 3、paper 4 、marking scheme英國語文試題題目及答案下載。全部原裝試卷,本月免費下載。
+ 試卷名稱:2020 dse english題目答案下載
+ 答案份數:1份
+ 包含內容:2020 dse english paper 1、paper 2、paper 3、paper 4 question&answer。
2019 dse english past paper(▲ 返回導航)
2019 dse english past paper question&answer download,本部分提供2019 dse english paper 1、paper 2、paper 3、paper 4 、marking scheme英國語文試題題目及答案下載。全部原裝試卷,本月免費下載。
+ 試卷名稱:2019 dse english題目答案下載
+ 答案份數:1份
+ 包含內容:2019 dse english paper 1、paper 2、paper 3、paper 4 question&answer。
2018 dse english past paper(▲ 返回導航)
2018 dse english past paper question&answer download,本部分提供2018 dse english paper 1、paper 2、paper 3、paper 4 、marking scheme英國語文試題題目及答案下載。全部原裝試卷,本月免費下載。
+ 試卷名稱:2018 dse english題目答案下載
+ 答案份數:13份
+ 包含內容:2018 dse english paper 1、paper 2、paper 3、paper 4 question&answer。
2017 dse english past paper(▲ 返回導航)
2017 dse english past paper question&answer download,本部分提供2017 dse english paper 1、paper 2、paper 3、paper 4 、marking scheme英國語文試題題目及答案下載。全部原裝試卷,本月免費下載。
+ 試卷名稱:2017 dse dse english past paper question&answer
+ 答案份數:14份
+ 包含內容:2017 dse english paper 1、paper 2、paper 3、paper 4 question&answer。
2016 dse english past paper(▲ 返回導航)
2016 dse english past paper question&answer download,本部分提供2016 dse english paper 1、paper 2、paper 3、paper 4 、marking scheme英國語文試題題目及答案下載。全部原裝試卷,本月免費下載。
+ 試卷名稱:2016 dse dse english past paper question&answer
+ 答案份數:14份
+ 包含內容:2016 dse english paper 1、paper 2、paper 3、paper 4 question&answer。
2015 dse english past paper(▲ 返回導航)
2015 dse english past paper question&answer download,本部分提供2015 dse english paper 1、paper 2、paper 3、paper 4 、marking scheme英國語文試題題目及答案下載。全部原裝試卷,本月免費下載。
+ 試卷名稱:2015 dse dse english past paper question&answer
+ 答案份數:21份
+ 包含內容:2015 dse english paper 1、paper 2、paper 3、paper 4 question&answer。
2014 dse english past paper(▲ 返回導航)
2014 dse english past paper question&answer download,本部分提供2014 dse english paper 1、paper 2、paper 3、paper 4 、marking scheme英國語文試題題目及答案下載。全部原裝試卷,本月免費下載。
+ 試卷名稱:2014 dse dse english past paper question&answer
+ 答案份數:20份
+ 包含內容:2014 dse english paper 1、paper 2、paper 3、paper 4 question&answer。
2013 dse english past paper(▲ 返回導航)
2013 dse english past paper question&answer download,本部分提供2013 dse english paper 1、paper 2、paper 3、paper 4 、marking scheme英國語文試題題目及答案下載。全部原裝試卷,本月免費下載。
+ 試卷名稱:2013 dse dse english past paper question&answer
+ 答案份數:18份
+ 包含內容:2013 dse english paper 1、paper 2、paper 3、paper 4 question&answer。
2012 dse english past paper(▲ 返回導航)
2012 dse english past paper question&answer download,本部分提供2012 dse english paper 1、paper 2、paper 3、paper 4 、marking scheme英國語文試題題目及答案下載。全部原裝試卷,本月免費下載。
+ 試卷名稱:2012 dse dse english past paper question&answer
+ 答案份數:16份
+ 包含內容:2012 dse english paper 1、paper 2、paper 3、paper 4 question&answer。