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2018 geography dse paper answer


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2018 geography dse paper answer中文答案,本文詳細介紹 2018 dse geography paper中文試卷、2018 dse geog paper 1、paper 2及mc answer地理答案,請考生詳細閱讀。

2018 geography dse paper

圖:2018 geography dse paper

1、2018 dse geography paper 1 甲部及answer答案示例

2018 dse geog paper 1 甲部 mc 題目及答案示例

甲部:題 3


A. 1:12.7

B. 1:16.6

C. 1:20.5

D. 1:24.4

甲部:題 4





A. 只有(1)及(2)

B. 只有(1)及(3)

C. 只有(2)及(3)

D. (1)、(2)及(3)

甲部:題 21





A. 只有(1)及(2)

B. 只有(1)及(3)

C. 只有(2)及(3)

D. (1)、(2)及(3)


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2、2018 dse geog paper 1 Section B 題目及答案示例

Section B: Question 1

(a) Refer to Figure 1a. Answer the following questions with reference to the plate tectonics theory.

(i) Compare the locations of earthquakes in areas X and Y.

(ii) Account for the occurrence of the earthquake in area Y.

(b) (i) Describe the differences in losses between the earthquakes of areas X and Y.

(ii) Quoting evidence from Figure 1b  and Table 1c, explain the differences  mentioned in (b) (i).

(c) Refer to Figure 1a and Table 1c. Discuss whether the earthquake in area X might have  triggered the earthquake in area Y.

Section B: Question 2

(a) Refer to Figure 2a, Figure 2b and the map extract (1:20 000) of Hong Kong.

(i) Identify coastal landforms P and Q.

(ii) Quoting map evidence, suggest the physical factors favouring the formation of  coastal landforms P and Q respectively.

(iii) Describe and explain the formation of coastal landform P.

(b) Refer to Figure 2b, Photograph 2c and the map extract (1:20 000) of Hong Kong.

(i) Identify coastal management strategy R shown in Photograph 2c. Explain how the  strategy protects the coast.

(ii) Assume there is a need to protect coastal landform Q.  With regard to the present use of coastal landform Q, discuss whether coastal  management strategy R is appropriate.


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3、2018 dse geog paper 1 Section C 題目及答案示例

Section C: Question 5

Account for the locational factors leading to the clustering of the iron and steel industry in China  after the 1970s. Explain how these locational factors affected the clustering of the IT industry in  the US.

Section C: Question 6

Describe and explain the physical factors leading to frequent famine in the Sahel region.  Discuss whether the growing of genetically modified crops may alleviate the famine  problem in this region.

Section C: Question 7

Account for the increasing greenhouse gas emissions in less developed countries. Discuss the  constraints encountered by less developed countries in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


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4、2018 dse geog paper 2 Section D 題目及答案示例

丁部:題 1

(a) 參閱圖 1 a。

(i) 辨認 X 岩石類型及 Y 岩石類型 。

(ii) 解釋 Y 岩石類型如何影響大嶼山的地勢。

(b) 參閱圖 1b 、圖 1c 及照片 1d。

(i) 解釋為何圖 1b 的風化剖面常見於 X 岩石類型地區 。

(ii) 根據圖1b 的風化剖面,解釋照片 1d 所示 Z 地形形貌的形成過程。

(iii) 討論 Z 地形形貌會否誘發塊體移動。

Section D: Question 2

(a) Refer to Figure 2a. Describe and  explain the monsoon system in Hong  Kong under the influence of the pressure  pattern in July.

(b) Refer to Figure 2b. Account for the favourable conditions for the formation of weather  system P.

(c) Refer to Figure 2b and Table 2c.

(i) On which day would weather conditions X and Y most likely occur respectively?

(ii) Describe and explain the changes in weather conditions of Hong Kong on these two  days.

(d) Explain how weather system P may temporarily disturb the monsoon system in Hong Kong  mentioned in (a).

丁部:題 3

(a) 參閱表 3a 及圖 3b。

(i) 比較表 3a 所示由 2004 年至 2016 年香港與深圳貨櫃港的吞吐量。

(ii) 2004 年後珠江三角洲地區的主要快速公路網絡有什麼轉變 ?

(b) 有建議興建港珠澳大橋,以促進香港與珠江三角洲地區的陸路連通,從而提升香港貨櫃港的吞吐量 。

(i) 解釋港珠澳大橋可如何改善珠江三角洲地區的貨物流通。

(ii) 討論港珠澳大橋能否有效地提升香港貨櫃港的吞吐量。


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5、2018 dse geog paper 2 Section E 題目及答案示例



Section E: Question 6

Compare the rainfall characteristics between northern and southern China. Discuss the  effectiveness of the water transfer scheme in alleviating the water problems related to such rainfall  characteristics.

戊部:題 7



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